Blondes Have More Fun - Or Do They?

I have been platinum blonde/white-haired/albino for the past two years now, with a regular once a month peroxide session (thanks, Jerome Russel). It's been a blast - the allure of a super blonde 'do will never fade, thanks to the likes of Marilyn Monroe and a certain Ms D Harry. However, I picked up this zine from BLEACH hair salon about a month ago, and I haven't been able to tear my eyes away from the colourful pages.

(Apologies for the serial killer-esque heavy breathing, I was actually attempting to hold my breath so not to ruin the inspirational content. Alas, that didn't work out.)

Obviously, as a sister business to the incredible WAH nail salon, you kinda know that BLEACH was always going to be super cool. The branding is simple and slick - the name, even the typeface used for the logo is a direct Nirvana reference, and subsequently a reminder that in case you hadn't noticed, anyone who was originally 10 years old, 15 years ago, is now dressing as if it were 1992.

The salon in East London has been open since last year and the Topshop offshoot has been open for the past few months - dip dye hair has become synonymous with Toppers because every one of their campaign models had been 'Bleached'. At London Fashion Week every other lady had green or pink 'ends', and now every fashionable kid from Dulwich to Dalston is saving their pennies to go and have their standard colour hair transformed into a magical, multi-shade creation.  

 Clothes by Topshop 'New Age Constellation' collection, Hair by Bleach

Now, as much as I would love for the hair artiste that is Alex Brownsell to transform my pale locks into something more spectacular, at the moment, pennies do not permit. To be honest, I am always a little bit reserved when it comes to hairdressing; my home peroxide kits have been serving me well at £1.50 a pop. 

Step up Stargazer. Yes, the make up brand of emo kids and grungers everywhere has been going for decades, constantly supplying weirdos with every random hair colour a heart could desire. You can even mix them together, if you are brave enough. 

(And at £5 a bottle, it's a little easier on the pocket, until you can afford a trip to see the professionals!)

Basically, I have been threatening to sort out my mono-colour hair for a while now, and this weekend, my platinum days came to an end.

In the space of one quick shampoo, I went from angelic albino...

 (Yes, that is a signed picture of Fielding and Barratt on my dressing table, what of it?) something slightly more vibrant. I'm calling it 'highlighter chic'.

So thanks for the inspiration, BLEACH - hopefully by the time I get bored with the pink I'll be able to leave my hair in your capable hands. Until then, I've got Stargazer and Kurt Cobain for compan